


  1. 使用小端法在纸带上存储输入的二进制串,即低位放在最左边
  2. 第一格是blank,也就是空,最后我们会回退到这个状态,来进入halt状态
  3. 最初是start状态,经过blank后改为carry状态
  4. carry状态下,如果最低为是 0,那么直接将其加 1,然后返回(向左行走)即可,进入back状态
  5. carry状态下,如果最低为是 1,将其改为 0,保持carry状态向右行走,继续对高位进行修改
  6. 如果在carry状态下遇到blank,也就是最高位还有进位,那么将blank改为 1
  7. 在回退状态下,一般来说只会遇到0,保留 0 不动,继续回退
  8. 达到halt之后停止操作,打印字符串


  1. start,即开始状态
  2. carry,进位状态
  3. back,回退状态
  4. halt,停止状态


  1. blank,表示空
  2. 0,即二进制符号 0
  3. 1,即二进制符号 1


  1. start, blank->blank, RIGHT, carry
  2. carry, 1 -> 0, RIGHT, carry
  3. carry, blank->1, LEFT, back
  4. carry, 0->1, LEFT, back
  5. back, 0->0, LEFT, back
  6. back, blank->blank, halt


// Turing machines for computations.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 4 // the number of states
#define M 3 // the number of symbols
#define TAPE_SIZE 20 // the size of the tape
enum direction { LEFT, RIGHT, STAY };

 * @brief encoding for binary addtion
 * 1. 4 states start:0 carry:1 back:2 halt:3
 * 2. 3 symbols 0->0 1->1 blank->2

int state_arr
    [N]; // state_arr[0] as start state, state_arr[N-2] as accept state, state_arr[N-1] as reject state

int symbol_arr[M]; // symbol_arr[0] as empty symbol

int tape[TAPE_SIZE];

typedef struct head {
    int location; // the location of the head
    int state_num; // the state of the head
} head_t;

typedef struct action {
    int head_state;
    int current_symbol;
    int next_symbol;
    enum direction dir;
    int next_state;
} action_t;

 * @brief turing machine for binary addition
 * 1. start, blank->blank, RIGHT, carry
 * 2. carry, 1 -> 0, RIGHT, carry
 * 3. carry, blank->1, LEFT, back
 * 4. carry, 0->1, LEFT, back
 * 5. back, 0->0, LEFT, back
 * 6. back, blank->blank, halt

action_t turing_machine(action_t act) {
    if (act.head_state == state_arr[START] && act.current_symbol == symbol_arr[BLANK]) {
        act.next_symbol = act.current_symbol;
        act.dir = RIGHT;
        act.next_state = state_arr[CARRY];
    } else if (act.head_state == state_arr[CARRY] && act.current_symbol == symbol_arr[SYMBOL_1]) {
        act.next_symbol = symbol_arr[SYMBOL_0];
        act.dir = RIGHT;
        act.next_state = act.head_state;
    } else if (act.head_state == state_arr[CARRY] && act.current_symbol == symbol_arr[BLANK]) {
        act.next_symbol = symbol_arr[SYMBOL_1];
        act.dir = LEFT;
        act.next_state = state_arr[BACK];
    } else if (act.head_state == state_arr[CARRY] && act.current_symbol == symbol_arr[SYMBOL_0]) {
        act.next_symbol = symbol_arr[SYMBOL_1];
        act.dir = LEFT;
        act.next_state = state_arr[BACK];
    } else if (act.head_state == state_arr[BACK] && act.current_symbol == symbol_arr[SYMBOL_0]) {
        act.next_symbol = act.current_symbol;
        act.dir = LEFT;
        act.next_state = state_arr[BACK];
    } else if (act.head_state == state_arr[BACK] && act.current_symbol == symbol_arr[BLANK]) {
        act.next_symbol = act.current_symbol;
        act.dir = STAY;
        act.next_state = state_arr[HALT];
    return act;

void state_transition(char* s, int length) {
    // initiliaze the state array and symbol array
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        state_arr[i] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
        symbol_arr[i] = i;
    // initialize the tape
    for (int i = 0; i < TAPE_SIZE; i++) {
        tape[i] = BLANK; // initialize all tape as blank
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        tape[i + 1] = s[i] - '0';
    // initialize the head
    head_t h;
    h.location = 0;
    h.state_num = state_arr[START];
    // initialie the action
    action_t a;
    a.dir = STAY;
    // define the state transition
    while (h.state_num != 3) {
        a.head_state = h.state_num;
        a.current_symbol = tape[h.location];
        a = turing_machine(a);
        tape[h.location] = a.next_symbol;
        // update the head
        if (a.dir == RIGHT) {
            h.location += 1;
        } else if (a.dir == LEFT) {
            h.location -= 1;
        h.state_num = a.next_state;
    // print the added string
    for (int i = length; i >= 1; i--) {
        printf("%d", tape[i]);

int main(void) {
    printf("Input the binary string: ");
    char* s = (char*)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
    scanf("%s", s);
    // reverse the string, and enter it into turing machine
    int length = strlen(s);
    for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) {
        char temp = s[length - 1 - i];
        s[length - 1 - i] = s[i];
        s[i] = temp;
    state_transition(s, strlen(s));
    return 0;