系列 - CIT5950
1 Overview
- Page 对象:
- 若 Page 不在 memory 中,那么它的数据被存储在磁盘上的
swap file
部分。在swap file
中,每一页都有对应的顺序存储的数据。 - 可以使用 C++
类进行 I/O 读写。尤其是read()
- 若 Page 不在 memory 中,那么它的数据被存储在磁盘上的
- PageTable 对象
- 包含多个 page 以及
swap file
- 这里主要要求实现 LRU 算法
- 包含多个 page 以及
2 相关文件
2.1 Page
2.2 PageTable
2.3 Testing
3 实现提示
- map, unordered_map, list, vector 结构都很有用
很有用- 需要将
- 利用初始化列表来初始化引用类型
4 Page实现
4.1 Page 源码分析
simplevm namespace
- 页对象存在->页被导入到 physical memory->创建一个
数据。页的数据从virtual_pno * Page::PAGE_SIZE
开始 - 页对象不存在->数据存储在
中 - 用户可以
- 获取数据
- 存储数据
- 将数据刷新到
swap file
中(多余的无法放入 physical memory 的虚拟内存所存储的地方)
Page(fstream& swap_file, pno_t virtual_pno);
- 构造函数,传入该
和页号 - 我们从
- 页号规定了我们在
- 构造函数,传入该
Page(const Page& other);
- 利用一个页来复制构造另一个页,两个页具有相同的页号和
- 利用一个页来复制构造另一个页,两个页具有相同的页号和
- 清理声明的变量
- 如果当前数据为 dirty 状态,那么将其刷新到对应的
Page& operator=(const Page& rhs)
- 赋值函数,同复制构造函数,两个
- 赋值函数,同复制构造函数,两个
template <typename T> T access(uint32_t virtual_address);
- 获取该页面的值(需要考虑错误情况)
T store(uint32_t virtual address, const T& to_write)
- 存储值到该页面中去
bool operator<(const Page& rhs);
- 比较两个页面顺序
pno_t pno();
- 获取该页面的页号
bool dirty();
- 该 page 是否为 dirty 状态(如果有人在 flush 之后,向该 page 写过值就是 dirty)
void flush();
- 如果该 page 是 dirty 状态,就把内容刷新到
- 如果该 page 是 dirty 状态,就把内容刷新到
- 变量:
static constexpr size_t PAGE_SIZE = 4096U;
- 该 page 的大小
Page 中还包括如下private
fstream& swap_file_;
- 注意这里是个引用,一个 page 没有对
的所有权,只能 access 到它,所以这里swap_file
- 注意这里是个引用,一个 page 没有对
pno_t virtual_pno_;
- 该 page 的页号
uint8_t *bytes_;
- 该 page 的字节内容
bool dirty_;
- 该 page 是否在 flush 后被写入
4.2 Page 设计
在simplevm namespace
namespace simplevm {
// TODO: implement all template member functions for Page
// This function allows users to read various data types
// from the page. Trying to read a non-primitive type or use
// a virtual address that doesn't map to this page results
// in undefined behaviour. You can also assume that
// anything being read fits in on the page we are reading
// is not partially on another page.
// If you are familiar with endianness, it shouldn't be
// considered for this function.
// Arguments:
// - virtual_address: a virtual address that maps somewhere
// into the page, where we will read data of type T
// Returns:
// - the data of type T that was read from the page
template <typename T>
T Page::access(uint32_t virtual_address) {
if(virtual_address / PAGE_SIZE != virtual_pno_)
return 0;
virtual_address = virtual_address % PAGE_SIZE;
T* address = (T*)(bytes_ + virtual_address);
return *address;
// This function allows users to write various data types
// to the page. Trying to write a non-primitive type or use
// a virtual address that doesn't map to this page results
// in undefined behaviour. You can also assume that
// anything being written fits on the current page
// is not partially on another page.
// If you are familiar with endianness, it shouldn't be
// considered for this function.
// Arguments:
// - virtual_address: a virtual address that maps somewhere
// into the page, where we will read data of type T
// - to_write: the data of type T to write to the page
// Returns: nothing
template <typename T>
void Page::store(uint32_t virtual_address, const T& to_write) {
if(virtual_address / PAGE_SIZE != virtual_pno_)
virtual_address = virtual_address % PAGE_SIZE;
T* address = (T*)(bytes_ + virtual_address);
*address = to_write;
dirty_ = true;
4.4 Page.h
在simplevm namespace
#ifndef PAGE_H_
#define PAGE_H_
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
using std::fstream;
namespace simplevm {
// defines the type pno_t, which is the type
// that represents a page number
typedef uint32_t pno_t;
// A Page is a class that represents a page of memory
// in our simple virtual memory model.
// If a page object exists, then we say that the page is loaded
// into physical memory. When the page object doesn't exist, then its
// data is stored in the swap_file. When we load in a page to
// "physical memory", we are creating the page and we read the page's data
// from the swap file. A page's data in the swap file starts at
// virtual_pno * Page::PAGE_SIZE
// This Class manages a page's worth of data
// Users can access or store data, sa well as flush the data in the
// page to the specified swap file. A swap file is where exceess virtual
// memory is stored when it can't fit in physical memory.
class Page {
// Constructs a new Page object associated
// with a swap_file and a virtual page number.
// The swap file is where we will load in the page
// contents and flush the page contents. The virtual
// page number decides where in that file we read
// and write this page.
// Passing in an invalid page number is undefined behaviour
// Note that a Page does not have ownership
// of the swap_file_, just access to it.
// Arguments:
// - swap_file the swap_file associated with the page
// - the virtual page number of our new page
Page(fstream& swap_file, pno_t virtual_pno);
// Constructs a new Page object that is a copy of
// another page object. Both pages will have
// the same page number and swap_file, but should
// have independent copies of the page data.
// Misc: this means that there could be issues with
// having the original and copy page having differnt
// data. This cctor should only really be used
// in the context of managing pages with something
// like STL, where the original page used for the cctor
// will be discarded. In real C++, we would want to
// use move semantics here.
// Arguements:
// - other: the page we are copying
Page(const Page& other);
// Destructor for the page object
// Cleans up any dynamically allocated data or
// otherwise allocated resources AND should flush
// its contents if the page is dirty at time of
// destruction.
// Set the current Page object so that is a copy of
// another page object. Both pages will have
// the same page number and swap_file, but should
// have independent copies of the page data.
// Misc: this means that there could be issues with
// having the original and copy page having differnt
// data. This op= should only really be used
// in the context of managing pages with something
// like STL, where the original page used for the cctor
// will be discarded. In real C++, we would want to
// use move semantics here.
// You can assume each page has the same swap_file.
// Arguements:
// - rhs: the page we are copying
Page& operator=(const Page& rhs);
// This function is not required, but you may add it
// if it is needed for some of the STL containers
// you use in PageTable
// Determines if this page should go before another page if they
// were in sorted order.
// Arguments:
// - rhs: the Page we are comparing this to
// Returns: true iff this page would show up before the other
// page in sorted order. False otherwise.
bool operator<(const Page& rhs);
// This function allows users to read various data types
// from the page. Trying to read a non-primitive type or use
// a virtual address that doesn't map to this page results
// in undefined behaviour. You can also assume that
// anything being read fits in on the page we are reading
// is not partially on another page.
// If you are familiar with endianness, it shouldn't be
// considered for this function.
// Arguments:
// - virtual_address: a virtual address that maps somewhere
// into the page, where we will read data of type T
// Returns:
// - the data of type T that was read from the page
template <typename T>
T access(uint32_t virtual_address);
// This function allows users to write various data types
// to the page. Trying to write a non-primitive type or use
// a virtual address that doesn't map to this page results
// in undefined behaviour. You can also assume that
// anything being written fits on the current page
// is not partially on another page.
// If you are familiar with endianness, it shouldn't be
// considered for this function.
// Arguments:
// - virtual_address: a virtual address that maps somewhere
// into the page, where we will read data of type T
// - to_write: the data of type T to write to the page
// Returns: nothing
template <typename T>
void store(uint32_t virtual_address, const T& to_write);
// Returns the virtual page number of this page
// Arguments: None
// Returns: this page's virtual page number
pno_t pno();
// Returns whether or not a page is dirty
// A page is "dirty" if someone has written to the data managed
// by the page since the last time the page was flush()'d.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Whether this page is dirty or not
bool dirty();
// Flushes the page to the swap file if it is dirty.
// Flushing a page to the swap file involves writing
// the page at the the spot correspoding to its page number
// in the swap_file. For a description of what it means
// for a page to be dirty, see the dirty() member function.
// The page should not be written if it is not dirty.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
void flush();
// The amount of memory a page represents
static constexpr size_t PAGE_SIZE = 4096U;
// The file we will be reading/writing to
// Note how this is a reference
// also note that a Page does not have ownership
// of the swap_file_, just access to it.
fstream& swap_file_;
// the virtual page number
pno_t virtual_pno_;
// The bytes of the page. One byte is 8 bits
// so we use 8-bit unsigned integers.
// You can also assume that a 'char' is one byte big
uint8_t *bytes_;
// Whether the page is dirty or not
bool dirty_;
// since we have template code
#include "./"
#endif // PAGE_H_
在simplevm namespace
#include "./Page.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
namespace simplevm {
// TODO: implement all non template member functions for Page
// Constructs a new Page object associated
// with a swap_file and a virtual page number.
// The swap file is where we will load in the page
// contents and flush the page contents. The virtual
// page number decides where in that file we read
// and write this page.
// Passing in an invalid page number is undefined behaviour
// Note that a Page does not have ownership
// of the swap_file_, just access to it.
// Arguments:
// - swap_file the swap_file associated with the page
// - the virtual page number of our new page
Page::Page(fstream& swap_file, pno_t virtual_pno):swap_file_(swap_file) {
this->virtual_pno_ = virtual_pno;
this->bytes_ = new uint8_t[PAGE_SIZE];
// seek the correct position
swap_file_.seekg(virtual_pno_ * PAGE_SIZE, std::ios::beg);
// read from the swap file*)bytes_,PAGE_SIZE);
if(!swap_file_) {
std::cerr << "Swap file read failed!" << std::endl;
this->dirty_ = false;
// Constructs a new Page object that is a copy of
// another page object. Both pages will have
// the same page number and swap_file, but should
// have independent copies of the page data.
// Misc: this means that there could be issues with
// having the original and copy page having differnt
// data. This cctor should only really be used
// in the context of managing pages with something
// like STL, where the original page used for the cctor
// will be discarded. In real C++, we would want to
// use move semantics here.
// Arguements:
// - other: the page we are copying
Page::Page(const Page& other):swap_file_(other.swap_file_) {
this->virtual_pno_ = other.virtual_pno_;
this->bytes_ = new uint8_t[PAGE_SIZE];
this->dirty_ = other.dirty_;
// Destructor for the page object
// Cleans up any dynamically allocated data or
// otherwise allocated resources AND should flush
// its contents if the page is dirty at time of
// destruction.
Page::~Page() {
if(dirty_) {
dirty_ = false;
delete[] bytes_;
// Set the current Page object so that is a copy of
// another page object. Both pages will have
// the same page number and swap_file, but should
// have independent copies of the page data.
// Misc: this means that there could be issues with
// having the original and copy page having differnt
// data. This op= should only really be used
// in the context of managing pages with something
// like STL, where the original page used for the cctor
// will be discarded. In real C++, we would want to
// use move semantics here.
// You can assume each page has the same swap_file.
// Arguements:
// - rhs: the page we are copying
Page& Page::operator=(const Page& rhs) {
if (this!=&rhs)
new (this)Page(rhs);
return *this;
// This function is not required, but you may add it
// if it is needed for some of the STL containers
// you use in PageTable
// Determines if this page should go before another page if they
// were in sorted order.
// Arguments:
// - rhs: the Page we are comparing this to
// Returns: true iff this page would show up before the other
// page in sorted order. False otherwise.
bool Page::operator<(const Page& rhs) {
return this->virtual_pno_ < rhs.virtual_pno_;
// Returns the virtual page number of this page
// Arguments: None
// Returns: this page's virtual page number
pno_t Page::pno() {
return this->virtual_pno_;
// Returns whether or not a page is dirty
// A page is "dirty" if someone has written to the data managed
// by the page since the last time the page was flush()'d.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Whether this page is dirty or not
bool Page::dirty() {
return this->dirty_;
// Flushes the page to the swap file if it is dirty.
// Flushing a page to the swap file involves writing
// the page at the the spot correspoding to its page number
// in the swap_file. For a description of what it means
// for a page to be dirty, see the dirty() member function.
// The page should not be written if it is not dirty.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
void Page::flush() {
if(dirty()) {
// seek the correct position
swap_file_.seekg(virtual_pno_ * PAGE_SIZE,std::ios::beg);
// write to the swap file
if(!swap_file_) {
std::cerr << "Swap file write failed!" << std::endl;
dirty_ = false;
5 PageTable实现
5.1 PageTable 源码分析
PageTable 的作用如下:
- 管理一个进程的地址空间
- 包括
- 从 physical memory 中读取页
- 选择页淘汰,进行页替换
PageTable(std::string swap_file_name, size_t page_capacity);
- 初始化页表,制定
名称和页容量 - 存储的页不可超过页容量
- 初始化页表,制定
- 清理所有变量
- flush dirty pages
Page& get_page(uint32_t virtual_address);
- 返回一个虚拟地址对应的 page
- 将该页导入 physical memory
- 返回它
- 有几种可能情况
- 该页在 Physical memory 中,返回对应的页的引用,并且将该页标记为最新(挪到 vector 最前)
- 该页不在 physical memory 中,并且 physical memory 还没满。那么将其导入 physical memory,并且标记为最新(挪到 vector 最前),返回该页引用
- 该页不在 Physical memory 中,并且 physical memory 已经满了,那么先执行淘汰算法,淘汰最老的页,将其写入
中导入进来,放在 vector 最前
- 注意:
- virtual address != 页号,可能有多个 virtual address 对应同一个页号(一页有 4096 个字节嘛)
- 页的最新和最老完全取决于
size_t capacity();
- 返回页容量
size_t loaded_pages();
- 返回导入 physical memory 的页数目
bool page_available(pno_t virtual_pno);
- 返回对应页是否存在 physical memory 中
void flush_all_pages();
- 将所有页都刷新到
- 将所有页都刷新到
void flush_page(pno_t virtual_pno);
- 将对应的页刷新到
- 将对应的页刷新到
void discard_page(pno_t virtual_pno);
- 从页表中丢弃对应的页。如果该页不存在,则返回。否则,若该页为 dirty,则将该页数据写入
- 从页表中丢弃对应的页。如果该页不存在,则返回。否则,若该页为 dirty,则将该页数据写入
void evict_page();
- 若没有 page 在页表中,则什么也不做。否则丢弃最老的一页(丢弃前记得将其写入
- 若没有 page 在页表中,则什么也不做。否则丢弃最老的一页(丢弃前记得将其写入
fstream swap_file_
: 交换文件size_t capacity
: 页容量size_t page_num
: 当前已经导入 physical memory 的页数目std::vector<Page*> page_list
: 记录所有在 physical memory 中的页std::unordered_map<pno_t,Page*> mp
5.2 PageTable.h
#ifndef PAGE_TABLE_H_
#define PAGE_TABLE_H_
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdint>
// #include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <list>
#include "./Page.h"
using std::fstream;
namespace simplevm {
// A PageTable manages a processes memeory for our simplified
// virtual memory model. This involves managing a swap_file
// which is where pages of data are stored when they aren't loaded
// into physical memory. For our software model, we will say a page
// is in "physical memory" if it is loaded into our memory space
// (e.g. it is on the heap). Pages that aren't loaded in will have
// their contents stored in the swap_file and will not have an
// associated Page object (see Page.h). Our page table can only have
// so many pages stored in memory at one time, which is specified
// on PageTable Creation. We implement an LRU page replacement
// policy to decide which pages to evict if we need to load a new page
// and we already have reached our capacity on the numberof pages we can
// hold.
// Users can get a page from the cache, flush pages to the swap_file,
// request any page is evicted, and specifically ask for a page to be evicted.
class PageTable {
// Constructs a new page table with the specified
// swap file and the specified page capacity, which is
// the number of pages that can be held in memory
// at one time. There cannot be more than page_capacity
// number of pages loaded in at a time.
// Arguments:
// - swap_file_name: the name of the swap_file
// - page_capacity: the maximum number of pages that can be held
// in memory at one time.
PageTable(std::string swap_file_name, size_t page_capacity);
// Destructs the page table, freeing any allocated resources
// and flushing any pages currently loaded into memory that
// are dirty
// Given a virtual address, gets the associated
// page for that virtual address. This page will
// be "loaded" into physical memory by the time it
// is returned.
// There are three possiblities when a page is requested:
// 1. The page is currently in the "loaded" and in the cache.
// In this case, a reference to the page is returned and
// and the page is marked as most recently used in the cache
// 2. The page is not currently "loaded", and the PageTable
// has not reached its page capacity:
// In this case, the page is loaded from the swap file and added
// to the cache as the most recently used page.
// 3. The page is not currently "loaded", and the PageTable
// is at page capacity:
// The least recently used page in the cache is evicted from the
// cache. Afterwards the requested page is loaded from the swap file
// and added to the cache as the most recently used page.
// NOTE: What decides how recntly used a page was used is entirely
// decided by how recntly it was returned by a call to get_page.
// Arguments:
// - virtual_address: A virtual address that is associated
// with a requested page. The virutal address is represented
// as a unsigned 32 bit integer. NOTE: a virtual address
// is NOT the same as a page number. Multiple virtual addresses
// could be associated with the same page number.
// Returns:
// - the requested page, which is loaded into the cache and
// marked as the most recently used page
Page& get_page(uint32_t virtual_address);
// Returns the page capacity of the page table
// Arguments: None
// Returns: the page capacity of the page table
size_t capacity();
// Returns the number of pages currently loaded into "physical memory"
// Arguments: None
// Returns: the number of pages currently loaded into "physical memory"
size_t loaded_pages();
// Checks to see if the specified page is loaded into memory
// Arguments: The virtual page number of the page to check for
// Returns: True iff the page is loaded into memory, false otherwise
bool page_available(pno_t virtual_pno);
// Makes sure that all currently loaded pages are flushed
// meaning tha the page contents are updated on the swap file.
// This should not affect how recently used each page is and all pages
// will remain loaded into memory after this operation is performed.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
void flush_all_pages();
// Flushes the specified page to the swap file.
// This should not affect how recently used each page is and all pages
// will remain loaded into memory after this operation is performed.
// Arguments: the virtual page number of the page to flush
// Returns: Nothing
void flush_page(pno_t virtual_pno);
// Discards the specified page from the PageTable.
// If the page is dirty, then it is flushed before it is discarded.
// If the page is not in the table, then nothing happens.
// Arguments: the virtual page number of the page to discard.
// Returns: Nothing
void discard_page(pno_t virtual_pno);
// Evicts a page from the PageTable. The page evicted
// should be the least recntly used page in the cache.
// If the evicted page is dirty, then it is flushed before it is evicted.
// If there are no pages in the cache, then do nothing.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
void evict_page();
// The swap file where pages are stored
fstream swap_file_;
// The number of pages that can be stored
// in the PageTable at one time.
size_t capacity_;
// TODO: add fields
size_t page_num;
// a vector to store pages in physical memory
std::list<std::pair<pno_t,Page*>> page_list;
// use an unordered_map to quickly determined the corresponding page
std::unordered_map<pno_t,Page*> mp;
#endif // PAGE_TABLE_H_
#include "./PageTable.h"
#include "./Page.h"
namespace simplevm {
// TODO: implment PageTable member functions
// Constructs a new page table with the specified
// swap file and the specified page capacity, which is
// the number of pages that can be held in memory
// at one time. There cannot be more than page_capacity
// number of pages loaded in at a time.
// Arguments:
// - swap_file_name: the name of the swap_file
// - page_capacity: the maximum number of pages that can be held
// in memory at one time.
PageTable::PageTable(std::string swap_file_name, size_t page_capacity) {;
this->capacity_ = page_capacity;
this->page_num = 0;
// Destructs the page table, freeing any allocated resources
// and flushing any pages currently loaded into memory that
// are dirty
PageTable::~PageTable() {
while(page_num > 0) {
Page* deleted_page = page_list.back().second;
page_num -= 1;
// Given a virtual address, gets the associated
// page for that virtual address. This page will
// be "loaded" into physical memory by the time it
// is returned.
// There are three possiblities when a page is requested:
// 1. The page is currently in the "loaded" and in the cache.
// In this case, a reference to the page is returned and
// and the page is marked as most recently used in the cache
// 2. The page is not currently "loaded", and the PageTable
// has not reached its page capacity:
// In this case, the page is loaded from the swap file and added
// to the cache as the most recently used page.
// 3. The page is not currently "loaded", and the PageTable
// is at page capacity:
// The least recently used page in the cache is evicted from the
// cache. Afterwards the requested page is loaded from the swap file
// and added to the cache as the most recently used page.
// NOTE: What decides how recntly used a page was used is entirely
// decided by how recntly it was returned by a call to get_page.
// Arguments:
// - virtual_address: A virtual address that is associated
// with a requested page. The virutal address is represented
// as a unsigned 32 bit integer. NOTE: a virtual address
// is NOT the same as a page number. Multiple virtual addresses
// could be associated with the same page number.
// Returns:
// - the requested page, which is loaded into the cache and
// marked as the most recently used page
Page& PageTable::get_page(uint32_t virtual_address) {
// obtain the virtual_pno according to the virtual address
pno_t pno = virtual_address / Page::PAGE_SIZE;
if(page_available(pno)) {
Page* p = mp[pno];
return *p;
else {
Page* pg = new Page(swap_file_,pno);
if(page_num < capacity_) {
page_num += 1;
else {
// LRU Algorithms
// evict the oldest page, and flush it
// add the new page to the front of the list
page_num += 1;
mp[pno] = pg;
return *(mp[pno]);
// Returns the page capacity of the page table
// Arguments: None
// Returns: the page capacity of the page table
size_t PageTable::capacity() {
return capacity_;
// Returns the number of pages currently loaded into "physical memory"
// Arguments: None
// Returns: the number of pages currently loaded into "physical memory"
size_t PageTable::loaded_pages() {
return page_num;
// Checks to see if the specified page is loaded into memory
// Arguments: The virtual page number of the page to check for
// Returns: True iff the page is loaded into memory, false otherwise
bool PageTable::page_available(pno_t virtual_pno) {
return mp.find(virtual_pno) != mp.end();
// Makes sure that all currently loaded pages are flushed
// meaning tha the page contents are updated on the swap file.
// This should not affect how recently used each page is and all pages
// will remain loaded into memory after this operation is performed.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
void PageTable::flush_all_pages() {
for(auto p:page_list) {
// Flushes the specified page to the swap file.
// This should not affect how recently used each page is and all pages
// will remain loaded into memory after this operation is performed.
// Arguments: the virtual page number of the page to flush
// Returns: Nothing
void PageTable::flush_page(pno_t virtual_pno) {
Page* p = mp.find(virtual_pno)->second;
// Discards the specified page from the PageTable.
// If the page is dirty, then it is flushed before it is discarded.
// If the page is not in the table, then nothing happens.
// Arguments: the virtual page number of the page to discard.
// Returns: Nothing
void PageTable::discard_page(pno_t virtual_pno) {
Page* p = mp.find(virtual_pno)->second;
page_num -= 1;
// Evicts a page from the PageTable. The page evicted
// should be the least recntly used page in the cache.
// If the evicted page is dirty, then it is flushed before it is evicted.
// If there are no pages in the cache, then do nothing.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
void PageTable::evict_page() {
pno_t current_pno = page_list.back().first;
Page* p = page_list.back().second;
// find the value in unordered_map
for(auto it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); it++) {
if(it->first == current_pno && it->second == p) {
page_num -= 1;