
我的计算机旅程——基于MIT Roadmap

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分类摘自:Fall 2024 Course 6: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (mit.edu)open in new window

Programming & Software Engineering

6.100 A Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python

学习 Python及其在人工智能中的应用

VM 296:2 6.100 B Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science

VM 296:2 6.100 L Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

VM 296:2 6.1010 Fundamentals of Programming

VM 296:2 6.1020 Software Construction

VM 296:2 6.1040 Software Design

VM 296:2 6.1060 Software Performance Engineering

VM 296:2 6.5060 Algorithm Engineering

VM 296:2 6.5080 Multicore Programming

VM 296:2 6.5081 Multicore Programming

Programming Languages


VM 296:2 6.1100 Computer Language Engineering

VM 296:2 6.1120 Dynamic Computer Language Engineering

VM 296:2 6.5110 Foundations of Program Analysis

VM 296:2 6.5120 Formal Reasoning About Programs

VM 296:2 6.5150 Large-scale Symbolic Systems

VM 296:2 6.5151 Large-scale Symbolic Systems

VM 296:2 6.5160[J] Classical Mechanics: A Computational Approach

Theoretical Computer Science


VM 296:2 6.1200[J] Mathematics for Computer Science

VM 296:2 6.120 A Discrete Mathematics and Proof for Computer Science

VM 296:2 6.1210 Introduction to Algorithms

VM 296:2 6.1220[J] Design and Analysis of Algorithms

VM 296:2 6.1400[J] Computability and Complexity Theory

VM 296:2 6.1420 Fixed Parameter and Fine-grained Computation

VM 296:2 6.5210[J] Advanced Algorithms

VM 296:2 6.5220[J] Randomized Algorithms

VM 296:2 6.5230 Advanced Data Structures

VM 296:2 6.5240 Sublinear Time Algorithms

VM 296:2 6.5250[J] Distributed Algorithms

VM 296:2 6.5310 Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra

VM 296:2 6.5320 Geometric Computing

VM 296:2 6.5340 Topics in Algorithmic Game Theory

VM 296:2 6.5350 Matrix Multiplication and Graph Algorithms

VM 296:2 6.5400[J] Theory of Computation

VM 296:2 6.5410[J] Advanced Complexity Theory

VM 296:2 6.5420 Randomness and Computation

VM 296:2 6.5430 Quantum Complexity Theory

Security & Cryptography


VM 296:2 6.1600 Foundations of Computer Security

VM 296:2 6.5610 Applied Cryptography and Security

VM 296:2 6.5620[J] Foundations of Cryptography

VM 296:2 6.5630 Advanced Topics in Cryptography

VM 296:2 6.5660 Computer Systems Security

Computer Systems


VM 296:2 6.1800 Computer Systems Engineering

VM 296:2 6.1810 Operating System Engineering

VM 296:2 6.1820[J] Mobile and Sensor Computing

VM 296:2 6.1850 Computer Systems and Society

VM 296:2 6.5810 Operating System Engineering

VM 296:2 6.5820 Computer Networks

VM 296:2 6.5830 Database Systems

VM 296:2 6.5831 Database Systems

VM 296:2 6.5840 Distributed Computer Systems Engineering

VM 296:2 6.5850 Principles of Computer Systems

Computer Architecture


VM 296:2 6.1903 Introduction to Low-level Programming in C and Assembly

VM 296:2 6.1904 Introduction to Low-level Programming in C and Assembly

VM 296:2 6.1910 Computation Structures

VM 296:2 6.1920 Constructive Computer Architecture

VM 296:2 6.5900 Computer System Architecture

VM 296:2 6.5910 Complex Digital Systems Design

VM 296:2 6.5920 Parallel Computing

VM 296:2 6.5930 Hardware Architecture for Deep Learning

VM 296:2 6.5931 Hardware Architecture for Deep Learning

VM 296:2 6.5940 TinyML and Efficient Deep Learning Computing

VM 296:2 6.5950 Secure Hardware Design

VM 296:2 6.5951 Secure Hardware Design

Circuits & Applications


6.2000 Electrical Circuits: Modeling and Design of Physical Systems

VM 339:2 6.2020[J] Electronics Project Laboratory

VM 339:2 6.2030 Electronics First Laboratory

VM 339:2 6.2040 Analog Electronics Laboratory

VM 339:2 6.2050 Digital Systems Laboratory

VM 339:2 6.2060 Microcomputer Project Laboratory

VM 339:2 6.2061 Microcomputer Project Laboratory - Independent Inquiry

VM 339:2 6.2080 Semiconductor Electronic Circuits

VM 339:2 6.2090 Solid-State Circuits

VM 339:2 6.2092 Solid-State Circuits

VM 339:2 6.6000 CMOS Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design

VM 339:2 6.6010 Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits

VM 339:2 6.6020 High-Frequency Integrated Circuits

Signal Processing


6.3000 Signal Processing

VM 362:2 6.3010 Signals, Systems and Inference

VM 362:2 6.3020[J] Fundamentals of Music Processing

VM 362:2 6.7000 Discrete-Time Signal Processing

VM 362:2 6.7010 Digital Image Processing

VM 362:2 6.7020 Array Processing



VM 362:2 6.3100 Dynamical System Modeling and Control Design

VM 362:2 6.3102 Dynamical System Modeling and Control Design

VM 362:2 6.7100[J] Dynamic Systems and Control

VM 362:2 6.7110 Multivariable Control Systems

VM 362:2 6.7120 Principles of Modeling, Computing and Control for Decarbonized Electric Energy Systems

VM 362:2 6.7121 Principles of Modeling, Computing and Control for Decarbonized Electric Energy Systems

Optimization & Engineering Mathematics

可以对机器人做路径优化,对 AI 做优化等等

VM 362:2 6.3260[J] Networks

VM 362:2 6.7210[J] Introduction to Mathematical Programming

VM 362:2 6.7220[J] Nonlinear Optimization

VM 362:2 6.7230[J] Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite Optimization

VM 362:2 6.7240 Game Theory with Engineering Applications

VM 362:2 6.7250 Optimization for Machine Learning

VM 362:2 6.7260 Network Science and Models

VM 362:2 6.7300[J] Introduction to Modeling and Simulation

VM 362:2 6.7310[J] Introduction to Numerical Methods

VM 362:2 6.7320[J] Parallel Computing and Scientific Machine Learning

VM 362:2 6.7330[J] Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

VM 362:2 6.7340[J] Fast Methods for Partial Differential and Integral Equations



VM 362:2 6.3400 Introduction to EECS via Communication Networks

VM 362:2 6.7410 Principles of Digital Communication

VM 362:2 6.7411 Principles of Digital Communication

VM 362:2 6.7420 Heterogeneous Networks: Architecture, Transport, Proctocols, and Management

VM 362:2 6.7430 Optical Networks

VM 362:2 6.7440 Principles of Wireless Communication

VM 362:2 6.7450[J] Data-Communication Networks

VM 362:2 6.7460 Essential Coding Theory

VM 362:2 6.7470 Information Theory

VM 362:2 6.7480 Information Theory: From Coding to Learning

Probability & Statistics


VM 362:2 6.3700 Introduction to Probability

VM 362:2 6.3702 Introduction to Probability

VM 362:2 6.3720 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis

VM 362:2 6.3722 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis

VM 362:2 6.3730[J] Statistics, Computation and Applications

VM 362:2 6.3732[J] Statistics, Computation and Applications

VM 362:2 6.7700[J] Fundamentals of Probability

VM 362:2 6.7710 Discrete Stochastic Processes

VM 362:2 6.7720[J] Discrete Probability and Stochastic Processes



VM 362:2 6.3800 Introduction to Inference

VM 362:2 6.7800 Inference and Information

VM 362:2 6.7810 Algorithms for Inference

VM 362:2 6.7820[J] Graphical Models: A Geometric, Algebraic, and Combinatorial Perspective

VM 362:2 6.7830 Bayesian Modeling and Inference

Machine Learning


VM 362:2 6.3900 Introduction to Machine Learning

VM 362:2 6.3950 AI, Decision Making, and Society

VM 362:2 6.3952 AI, Decision Making, and Society

VM 362:2 6.7900 Machine Learning

VM 362:2 6.7910[J] Statistical Learning Theory and Applications

VM 362:2 6.7920[J] Reinforcement Learning: Foundations and Methods

VM 362:2 6.7930[J] Machine Learning for Healthcare

VM 362:2 6.7940 Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning

VM 362:2 6.7950 Advanced Topics in Control

VM 362:2 6.7960 Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence


6.4100 Artificial Intelligence

VM27:2 6.4102 Artificial Intelligence

VM27:2 6.4110 Representation, Inference, and Reasoning in AI

VM27:2 6.4120[J] Computational Cognitive Science

VM27:2 6.4130[J] Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making

VM27:2 6.4132[J] Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making

VM27:2 6.4150[J] Artificial Intelligence for Business

VM27:2 6.8110[J] Cognitive Robotics



VM27:2 6.4200[J] Robotics: Science and Systems

VM27:2 6.4210 Robotic Manipulation

VM27:2 6.4212 Robotic Manipulation

VM27:2 6.8200 Sensorimotor Learning

VM27:2 6.8210 Underactuated Robotics

Human-Computer Interaction & Society


VM27:2 6.4510 Engineering Interactive Technologies

VM27:2 6.4530[J] Principles and Practice of Assistive Technology

VM27:2 6.4550[J] Interactive Music Systems

VM27:2 6.4570[J] Creating Video Games

VM27:2 6.4590[J] Foundations of Information Policy

VM27:2 6.8510 Intelligent Multimodal User Interfaces

VM27:2 6.8530 Interactive Data Visualization

Computational Biology


VM27:2 6.4710[J] Evolutionary Biology: Concepts, Models and Computation

VM27:2 6.8700[J] Advanced Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution

VM27:2 6.8701 Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution

VM27:2 6.8710[J] Computational Systems Biology: Deep Learning in the Life Sciences

VM27:2 6.8711[J] Computational Systems Biology: Deep Learning in the Life Sciences

VM27:2 6.8720[J] Principles of Synthetic Biology

VM27:2 6.8721[J] Principles of Synthetic Biology

Biomedical & Health

VM27:2 6.4800[J] Biomedical Systems: Modeling and Inference

VM27:2 6.4810[J] Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing

VM27:2 6.4812[J] Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing

VM27:2 6.4820[J] Quantitative and Clinical Physiology

VM27:2 6.4822[J] Quantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems

VM27:2 6.4830[J] Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems

VM27:2 6.4832[J] Fields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems

VM27:2 6.4840[J] Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics

VM27:2 6.4842[J] Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics

VM27:2 6.4860[J] Medical Device Design

VM27:2 6.4861[J] Medical Device Design

VM27:2 6.4880[J] Biological Circuit Engineering Laboratory

VM27:2 6.4900 Introduction to EECS via Medical Technology

VM27:2 6.8800[J] Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

VM27:2 6.8801[J] Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

VM27:2 6.8810[J] Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction in MRI

VM27:2 6.8830[J] Signal Processing by the Auditory System: Perception

VM27:2 6.8850[J] Clinical Data Learning, Visualization, and Deployments



VM27:2 6.8300 Advances in Computer Vision

VM27:2 6.8301 Advances in Computer Vision

VM27:2 6.8320 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision

VM27:2 6.8370 Advanced Computational Photography

VM27:2 6.8371 Digital and Computational Photography

Natural Language Processing & Speech


VM27:2 6.8610 Quantitative Methods for Natural Language Processing

VM27:2 6.8611 Quantitative Methods for Natural Language Processing

VM27:2 6.8620[J] Spoken Language Processing

VM27:2 6.8630[J] Natural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge



VM27:2 6.4400 Computer Graphics

VM27:2 6.4420[J] Computational Design and Fabrication

VM27:2 6.8410 Shape Analysis

VM27:2 6.8420 Computational Design and Fabrication

%% ## Energy

VM 339:2 6.2200 Electric Energy Systems

VM 339:2 6.2210 Electromagnetic Fields, Forces and Motion

VM 339:2 6.2220 Power Electronics Laboratory

VM 339:2 6.2221 Power Electronics Laboratory - Independent Inquiry

VM 339:2 6.2222 Power Electronics Laboratory

VM 339:2 6.6210 Electromagnetic Fields, Forces and Motion

VM 339:2 6.6220 Power Electronics

VM 339:2 6.6280 Electric Machines

VM 339:2 6.2300 Electromagnetics Waves and Applications %%

%% ## Electromagnetics, Photonics, and Quantum

VM 339:2 6.2370 Modern Optics Project Laboratory

VM 339:2 6.2400 Introduction to Quantum Systems Engineering

VM 339:2 6.2410 Quantum Engineering Platforms

VM 339:2 6.6300 Electromagnetics

VM 339:2 6.6310 Optics and Photonics

VM 339:2 6.6330 Fundamentals of Photonics

VM 339:2 6.6331 Fundamentals of Photonics

VM 339:2 6.6340[J] Nonlinear Optics

VM 339:2 6.6370 Optical Imaging Devices, and Systems

VM 339:2 6.6400 Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics

VM 339:2 6.6410[J] Quantum Computation

VM 339:2 6.6420[J] Quantum Information Science %%

%% ## Nanoelectronics & Nanotechnology

VM 339:2 6.2500 Nanoelectronics and Computing Systems

VM 339:2 6.2530 Introduction to Nanoelectronics

VM 339:2 6.2532 Nanoelectronics

VM 339:2 6.2540 Nanotechnology: From Atoms to Systems

VM 339:2 6.2600[J] Micro/Nano Processing Technology

VM 339:2 6.6500[J] Integrated Microelectronic Devices

VM 339:2 6.6510 Physics for Solid-State Applications

VM 339:2 6.6520 Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Theory and Design

VM 339:2 6.6530 Physics of Solids

VM 339:2 6.6600[J] Nanostructure Fabrication

VM 339:2 6.6630[J] Control of Manufacturing Processes %%