于是余有叹焉。古人之观于天地、山川、草木、虫鱼、鸟兽,往往有得,以其求思之深而无不在也。夫夷以近,则游者众;险以远,则至者少。而世之奇伟、瑰怪,非常之观,常在于险远,而人之所罕至焉,故非有志者不能至也。有志矣,不随以止也,然力不足者,亦不能至也。有志与力,而又不随以怠,至于幽暗昏惑而无物以相之,亦不能至也。然力足以至焉,于人为可讥,而在己为有悔;尽吾志也而不能至者,可以无悔矣,其孰能讥之乎?此余之所得也!—— (宋)王安石《游褒禅山记》
1 数学分析
- Book of proof ✅ 2025-01-23
- 《陶哲轩实分析》
- 普林斯顿数学分析读本
- Rudin 数学分析原理
- 哈代纯数学教程
- 菲赫金哥尔茨《微积分学教程》
- 吉米多维奇习题集
- 卓里奇《数学分析》
- 裴里文《数学分析中的典型问题与方法》
- apostol Calculus
- apostol《数学分析》
- 龚昇《简明微积分》
- 小平邦彦《微积分入门》
- 高木贞治《数学分析概论》
- 张筑生《数学分析新讲》
- 辛钦《数学分析八讲》
- 辛钦《数学分析简明教程》
- A Course of Pure Mathematics by G. H. Hardy
- 科朗《微积分和数学分析引论》
- P.D.Lax 的《微积分及其应用》和《多元微积分及其应用》
- Spivak 微积分
- Calculus: One-variable calculus, with an introduction to linear algebra(apostol卷1)
- Calculus: Multi-variable calculus and linear algebra, with applications to differential equations and probability(apostol卷2)(学完以后线代、常微分方程和概率论都过了一遍了)
- Loomis 高等微积分
- Understanding Real Analysis Abbott
- Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics): Ross, Kenneth A.: 9781441928115: Amazon.com: Books
- Multidimensional Real Analysis I (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Princeton Lectures in Analysis (douban.com)
- Problems in Mathematical Analysis (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
- 数学分析基础浅导 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- A Course of Modern Analysis (Cambridge Mathematical Library) (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- A Course in Mathematical Analysis Volume 2 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Mathematical Analysis
- Apostol 《Mathematical Analysis》
- Spivak 数学分析
- 《数学分析教程》常庚哲史济怀
- 卓里奇《数学分析》
- 数学分析中的问题与反例 汪林
- 《数学分析概论(岩波定本) (豆瓣) (douban.com))》高木贞治
- 高等微积分(第 3 版修订版) (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 微分学 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Analysis I (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Analysis II (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Analysis III (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- [Mathematical Analysis (豆瓣) (douban.com)](https://book.douban.com/subject/1459633/
- 法国 Dieudonne 现代分析基础
- 清华实验班于品分析讲义
- Roger Godement 分析 I
- Roger Godement 分析 II
- 阿黑波夫《数学分析讲义》
- James R. Munkres 《Analysis on Manifolds (豆瓣) (douban.com)》
- Spivak 《流形上的微积分》
- Manfredo Do Carmo 《曲线与曲面上的微分几何》
- Б. А. 杜布洛文 / С. П. 诺维可夫 / А. Т. 福明柯 《现代几何学:方法与应用(第三卷) (豆瓣) (douban.com)》
- 微分几何基础 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 现代几何学方法和应用 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 高等微积分 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 陈天权《数学分析讲义》
- 华罗庚《高等数学引论》
- Elementary Real Analysis -Brain B. Thomson, Judith B. Bruckner, Andrew M. Bruckner
- Elementary Analysis 2nd (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Real Analysis (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Mathematical Analysis - Andrew Browder
- Second Year Calculus (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Foundations of Analysis (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 实分析 (豆瓣) (douban.com) Stein 分析
- serge lang 的 undergraduate analysis
- 胡适耕<数学分析原理与方法>
- Patrick Fitzpatrick advanced calculus
- Basic Analysis 1-5 by James Peterson
- Introduction to Analysis (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 谢慧民周民强徐森林 习题集
- Introduction to Analysis (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Tom M. Apostol—Mathematical Analysis 2e
- Wilfred Kaplan—Advanced Calculus
- Michael Spivak—Calculus, 4e
- Dieudonne《无穷小计算》
- Dieudonne《现代分析基础》
- Real Analysis Jay Cummings
- Problems and Theorems in Analysis II (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Elementary Analysis 2nd (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 曲线与曲面的微分几何 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 实分析 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Real Mathematical Analysis (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- The Way of Analysis (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 《数学分析基础浅导》
- Yet Another Introduction to Analysis - Bryant (1990)
- William R. Wade - Introduction to Analysis (2004)
- Robert G. Bartle - The Elements of Real Analysis, Second Edition (1976)
- Real Mathematical Analysis by Charles Chapman Pugh (2002)
- 齐民友《重温微积分》
- 梅加强《数学分析》
- 刘玉琏、傅沛仁《数学分析讲义》
- 伍胜健数学分析
- 简明数学分析 (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 徐森林《数学分析》
- 崔尚斌《数学分析》
- 裴礼文《数学分析中的典型问题与方法》刷完
- 林源渠《数学分析习题集》
- 周民强《数学分析习题集》
- 徐森林《数学分析习题精解》
- 姚正安《数学分析方法论》
- 波利亚《数学分析中的问题和定理》
- 伯克利数学问题集(第 3 版) (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- Problems and Theorems in Analysis II (豆瓣) (douban.com)
- 谢慧民习题集
2 常微分方程
3 概率论与数理统计
- MIT 《概率导论》
- 卯诗松《概率论与数理统计》+习题完成
- 陈希孺《概率论与数理统计》
- Statistical inference
4 线性代数
5 高等代数
- 丘维生《高等代数》+习题指导
- 蓝以中《高等代数简明教程》
- Linear Algebra done right
- Linear algebra done wrong
6 抽象代数
- dummit abstract algebra
7 代数学
- Artin《代数》
- 科斯特利金《代数学引论》
8 数理逻辑
9 拓扑学
- Murkes 拓扑学
10 组合数学
11 图论
12 初等数论
13 离散数学
14 算法入门
15 数据结构与算法分析
16 算法设计与分析
17 计算理论
18 计算复杂性理论
19 信息论与编码
20 理论计算机导论
21 计算几何
22 密码学
23 最优化方法
24 解析几何
25 数值分析
26 矩阵计算
27 矩阵论
28 纯数学习路径
29 USTC数学修课指南第三版
30 常用教科書列表與簡評 | 臺大數學系 (ntu.edu.tw)
31 MIT 数学学习路径
31.1 MIT 计算机数学
- 18.02 Multivariable Calculus
- 18.06 Linear Algebra
- 18.03 x Differential Equations
- 18.03 SC
- 18.034 Honor Differential Equations
- 18.065 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning
- Signal Processing & Electronics
- 6.01 Intro to EECS I
- 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
- 6.100 A Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python
- 6.0002 Introduction to Computational Thinking and data Science
- 6.02 Intro to EECS II
- UCB EE 16 A
- UCB EE 16 B
- 6.002 Circuits and Electronics
- 6.003 Signals and Systems
- UCB EE 120 Signals and Systems
- mitmath/18065: 18.065/18.0651: Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning (github.com) 现代版 Notes 阅读
- mitmath/18065: 18.065/18.0651: Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning (github.com) Problem Sets 完成
- UCB Data 8
- UCB Data 100
- Harvard CS 109 A
- 18.05 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- 6.3700 Introduction to Probability
- 6.3800 Introduction to Inference
- 18.05 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- 18.600 Probability and Random Variables
- 18.650 Fundamentals of Statistics
- 6.042 J Mathematics for Computer Science
- Intro to Mathematical Reasoning
- Principles of discrete Applied mathematics
- 18.510 Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Set Theory
- 18.504 Seminar in Logic
- 18.515 Mathematical Logic
- 18.700 Advanced Linear Algebra
- 18.700 Course page (mit.edu) 现代版 Reading 完成并总结,总结见此
- 18.700 Course page (mit.edu) 现代版 Problem Sets 完成并总结,总结见此
- Math 115A (ucla.edu) 陶哲轩亲授:linear-algebra-notes.pdf (wordpress.com)
- 18.303 Linear Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Numerics
- 18.330 Introduction to Numerical Analysis
- 18.04 Complex Variables with applications
- 18.100A Real Analysis
- 18.100B Real Analysis
- 18.100P Real Analysis
- 18.100Q Real Analysis
- 18.S190 Introduction To Metric Spaces 或 18.S190, IAP 2023 (mit.edu)
- 18. S191 index — Interactive Computational Thinking — MIT
- 18.701 Algebra I
- 18.335[J] Introduction to Numerical Methods
- 6.7300[J] Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
- 16.920[J] Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- 18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I
- 18.336[J] Fast Methods for Partial Differential and Integral Equation
- 18. C 06 Linear Algebra and Optimization
- Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning 阅读
- cis515-13-sl1-a.pdf (upenn.edu)
- Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares (stanford.edu)
- 18.204 Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete Mathematics
- 18.211 Combinatorial Analysis
- 6.120A Discrete Mathematics and Proof for Computer Science
- 6.1210 Introduction to Algorithms
- 6.045 J Automata, Computability, and Complexity
- 18.400[J] Computability and Complexity Theory
- 18.404 Theory of Computation
- 18.410[J] Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- 18.424 Seminar in Information Theory
- 18.434 Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science
- 18.453 Combinatorial Optimization
- 18.337[J] Parallel Computing and Scientific Machine Learning
- 18.338 Eigenvalues of Random Matrices
- 18.367 Waves and Imaging
- University Physics
- 《University Physics》阅读并做笔记,笔记见此
- Yale Fundamentals of physics I 学习
- Yale Fundamentals of physics II 学习
- Classical Mechanics 学习
- Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 学习
- Relativity 学习
- Physics III: Vibrations and Waves
- 18.415[J] Advanced Algorithms
- 18.416[J] Randomized Algorithms
- 18.425[J] Foundations of Cryptography
- 8.01 Physics I
- 8.02 Physics II
- 8.03 Physics III
- 8.04 Quantum Physics I
- 8.041 Quantum Physics I
- 8.05 Quantum Physics II
- 18.435[J] Quantum Computation
- 18.437[J] Distributed Algorithms
- 18.455 Advanced Combinatorial Optimization
- 18.702 Algebra II
- 18.703 Modern Algebra
- 18.783 Elliptic Curves
- 18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis
- 18.112 Functions of a Complex Variable
- 18.303 Linear Partial Differential Equations
- 18.642 Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance
- 18.125 Measure Theory and Analysis
- 18.675 Theory of Probability
- 18.676 Stochastic Calculus
- 18.615 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
- 18.657 Topics in Statistics
- 18.900 Geometry and Topology in the Plane
- 18.212 Algebraic Combinatorics
- 18.901 Introduction to Topology
- 18.721 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
- 18.781 Theory of Numbers
- 18.950 Differential Geometry
- 18.217 Combinatorial Theory
- 18.218 Topics in Combinatorics
- 18.225 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics
- 18.226 Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics
- 18.705 Commutative Algebra
- 18.715 Introduction to Representation Theory
- 18.725 Algebraic Geometry I
- 18.745 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I
31.2 MIT 纯数部分
31.2.1 代数
- 18.704 Seminar in algebra
- 18.782 Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry
- 18.706 Noncommutative algebra
- 18.755 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras II
- 18.755 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras II
31.2.2 分析与几何
- 18.101 Analysis and Manifolds
- 18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis
- 18.103 Fourier Analysis: Theory and Applications
- 18.104 Seminar in Analysis
- 18.112 Functions of a Complex variable
- 18.152 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
- 18.950 Differential Geometry
- 18.994 Seminar in Geometry
- 18.125 Measure Theory and Analysis
- 18.155 Differential Analysis I
- 18.156 Differential Analysis II
- 18.952 Theory of Differential Forms
- 18.965 Geometry of Manifolds I
- 18.966 Geometry of Manifolds II
31.2.3 数论
- 18.781 Theory of numbers
- 18.784 Seminar in Number Theory
- 18.785 Number Theory I
31.2.4 概率与统计
- 18.677 Topics in Stochastic Processes
- 18.655 Mathematical Statistics
31.2.5 拓扑与几何
- 18.904 Seminar in Topology
- 18.116 Riemann Surfaces
- 18.905 Algebraic Topology I
- 18.906 Algebraic Topology II
31.3 MIT 其他方向应用数学
31.3.1 物理数学
- 18.300 Principles of Continuum Applied mathematics
- 18.352[J] Nonlinear Dynamics: The Natural Environment
- 18.353[J] Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos
- 18.354[J] Nonlinear Dynamics: Continuum Systems
- 18.384 Undergraduate Seminar in Physical mathematics
- 18.417 Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology
- 18.305 Advanced Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering
- 18.306 Advanced Partial Differential Equations with Applications
- 2.25 Fluid Mechanics
- 12.800 Fluid Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean
- 18.355 Fluid Mechanics
- 18.357 Interfacial Phenomena
- 18.367 Waves and Imaging
- 8.07 Electromagnetism II
- 18.369[J] Mathematical Methods in Nanophotonics
- 2.003[J] Dynamics and Control I
- 18.075 Methods for Scientists and Engineers
- 18.376[J] Wave Propagation
- 18.377[J] Nonlinear Dynamics and Waves